Source Code

Original Character

An excuse to make horrible fan art and parade it around like it's the best in the entire world.

Others will go to great lengths to outdo the person that claimed theirs. It eventually turns into a Vicious cycle with people coming from different forums/places to outdo everyone else. The ending is decided by who steps away and accepts defeat first. Which almost never happens.

Brad: Hey! Look at my SUPER AWESOME 1337PWNAGE MLP Original character! I call her Asmorphilus and she's--

Ray: Woah woah wait hold up there, my original character is WAAAY better than yours! Her name is---

*Both proceed to fight and argue like kids over which is better*

by TheTankMan January 12, 2014

30👍 71👎



Utilized by retards that can't spell properly.

Good: Your typing skills are epic!

Bad: You're typing skills are epic!

Other definition:

XxCODIZEPIKxX: omfg your a noob

by TheTankMan May 15, 2013

70👍 7👎


Pirate speak for "Lover"

Kill the filthy Landlubber!

by TheTankMan May 31, 2013

5👍 7👎