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Mexican Merry-Go-Round

The Act of using a leaf blower to propel a spinning office chair in circles like a merry-go-round

"Damn, them fools got a mexican merry-go-round in their backyard"

by The_Irish_Chicano June 25, 2012

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the devils share

Similar to karma, The Devils Share is a term used to describe a person "getting what's coming to them". Used in the television show "Person of Interest" in reference to a drug dealer who was killed in retribution for murdering an off duty rookie cop who was about to be a new father.

"He got the devils share, its the way the world evens things out. Guy got what he deserved and you wanna know how I've been sleeping? Like a baby. But thanks for letting me unburden myself.

by The_Irish_Chicano April 11, 2016