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Three brothers that were born out of love from 2 hearts .3 male offspring of ta couple brought to existence by luv, not a chance to relive lives & triumphs or avoid mistakes. But give new life , new chances, to make their own mistakes, so they may have new triumphs and parents take no credit , just take pleasure in watching love , in the form of human life that they give unconditional love to, knowing the love they shared for so long, before his mental illness destroyed the indestructible, butb their love remains whole & infinite amounts of promise and potential, not necessarily to discover a cure for cancer or lead humanity into space exploration or anything more than driving a rig filled with groceries and miles of memories, or a mechanic that takes whats broken and through care and desire and effort makes it new again, or a still unknown future that regardless of what others might say is extraordinary like E=Mc² but equally as important L=ove 4 ♾ . The parents already aware of their extraordinary abilities to be loving and kind thoughtful humans to any and all this. These male offspring born from love that was an actual wish on a star that came true, are undefined and unlabeled because to do so would limit them to those things so they are just my sons that burn Bright as all the suns in the universe together.

my sons stole my shoes and if I can't have my shoes Karen can't have her mother and my sons also must always remember one thing about me.

by Thebiggestloser369 September 9, 2023


The female offspring between two people who shared a life and a love strong enough to forge a soul. The female offspring who butts heads with her mom constantly because she secretly hopes to be like her someday because she loves and admires her mom deeply. The female offspring that a father knew once he held her that she would be his princess forever, and he would be her servant, until the day he hands her off to someone that will never be good enough to take care of her the rest of the way, and says quietly in her ear at her wedding as they dance, " you may be a woman now, but you'll always be my little girl, and if your spouse ever mistreats you, well you tell me and just like every cut, or bruise you ever had when you fell, daddy will be here to lift you up, treat your wounds and smash with anger whatever hurt my little princess".

A daughter is both fragile and pure strength!

by Thebiggestloser369 December 26, 2020

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Veronica A.K.A. (Vera-Icona) meaning the image of Christ. Veronica the 6th station of the crucifixion of Christ is incredibly kind and loving she kneeled on hard gravel to give jer saviour some relief with a cloth and oils. Veronica is eternally strong and beautiful in body and mind. She is vastly loyal and would give anything to keep the ones she loves safe. Her faith is unshakable even if she loses a child she remains a rock and would support her spouse through anything and won't abandon them. The only way to lose her is to say that her sacrifices and choices and faith in her chosen spouse were wrong and is her spouse who gives up on themselves. She is in no way perfect and makes. Mistakes but learns from them and is not afraid to apologize To hold her is to know what it feels like to hold the very light from our sun and to lose her is to no longer have a north star to guide yourself in the darkest of nights. She is more a father at times than the father of her children and she is a blessing to this world forever. If you ever find one, don't take her or her love for granted, or you will spend so many nights waking up crying in your dream cause no matter day or night , cause to be without Veronica, is to be without light and she will give you everything good in life and the most beautiful children. All she requires is high maintenance but it will be the most fulfilling thing in life to maintain a smile that will illuminate your heart .

I used to take Veronica to school and she'd rest her eyes until the last possible moment and there was a baby Aspen tree on the passenger side of my car that blocked out the sun enough and one day just as she awoken, the suns light passes through a tiny opening and eyes that you already knew were stunning beyond compare have an unnatural ability to absorb light and those eyes aren't brown at all, they're golden and whatever color light is and you see the flecks of gold that will someday be in the eyes of your children.

by Thebiggestloser369 April 28, 2023


A girl sexy enough that people will pay her for sex and then go on social media and and use prostitution as a platform to promote fake morality to gain political or religious prominence and power. As the sheep baa and cheer the moral character of the "John" who goes to a professional sex provider cause his partner thinks missionary with a nightlight on is kinky and showers her with jewelry, lingerie, exotic perfumes and brings his wife home a 5 in 1 stylus from dollar store that she uses to text her tennis instructor Janis who thinks she's breathtaking and smart and are madly in love and met because the whore told his wife because he comes to her money in hand each week saying she's a princess and his true soul mate and then goes out publicly denouncing prostitution and wishes he could reinstitute stoning to death as a way to punish these purveyors of filth that has led to the downfall of society. So the whore, the wife and the lesbian walk into a bar and they all know how to hold their liquor, by the ears as they plot to expose this righteous moral character that never read anything but the book of psalms of the quite beautiful but disgustingly whored book known as the Bible.

I go to have sex with the whore cause her livelihood depends on her ability to bring sexual gratifications at such an elite and skillfull level that men will give her money to do with her the same thing they can with an amatuer but you can listen to a high school band play Mozart for free or pay full ticket prices to listen to a symphony emerse you in sounds so beautiful and engaging that you experience eargasms that reinvigorate you and remind you that there's a reason a professional is paid and an amatuer just gets you laid .

by Thebiggestloser369 September 9, 2023