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When you are startled by the sound of a loud fart.

Wow hun, you really fartled me and what the hell did you eat?

by TheraPetAndy March 21, 2018


The sound one makes when whining and being generally annoying.

Wahhh, I fell ony butt and I think I cracked my ass. Wahhh

by TheraPetAndy September 27, 2018

7👍 2👎


A place where Hamsters live, work, play and it's also where Hamsters come from.

I'll be taking the train to Hamsterdam this afternoon.

by TheraPetAndy March 22, 2018

8👍 5👎


A small, secluded or out of the way town or place.

Did you hear that LeSean and Shaniqua are moving , they bought a house out in Bummfucked Wisconsin, somewhere?

by TheraPetAndy December 2, 2017