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Some douchebag who thought it'd be a good idea to put his personal information on the internet. Sawest2112 is a miserable little troll with zero gaming skills and probably couldn't get laid to save his life.

Sawest2112? Yeah, Scott West isnt very smart to put his personal information on the internet like that, especially when he spends all his time playing video games like a loser.

Sawest2112 is so bad at Dead by Daylight, he will complain to anyone that beats him.

by TheresAHotlineForYouToCall March 13, 2022

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Tarik Rosin

Boof that's been squished from some crackhead with a brain tumor.

Tarik Rosin? You mean that squished garb from that crackhead with a brain tumor? Yeah, stay away from that stuff and dont talk to that guy --- he's a goon who just lives to troll people on Instagram.

by TheresAHotlineForYouToCall May 16, 2022


A failed clothing line that was negligently produced and maintained by some crackhead with brain tumor ---- most likely caused from smoking too much crack.

Afterasm is a prime example of why crackheads should not start clothing companies.

by TheresAHotlineForYouToCall May 16, 2022


An out-of-touch rich girl from the suburbs, who has zero skills in gaming and an absolutely abysmal fanbase.

When players call her out on Twitch, bans and screenshots their statement and surrounds herself with confirmation bias.

Bearerine has the personality of a host on The View. All appearance and no substance underneath. Despite having absolutely no skills in gaming, she broadcasts on Twitch to a playerbase that has no respect for themselves or others.

Bearerine is an example of how easy it is for some girls on Twitch to have a large audience, despite having no skills in gaming and a negative, toxic attitude.

by TheresAHotlineForYouToCall March 4, 2022

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Dead By Daylight

A dumpster-fire of a video game that has one "Killer" chase four "Survivors" around a map. The game has no real combat system, small maps and uninspired, under-powered "Killers", that are hardly capable of killing anything.

"Survivors" take up a substantial portion of the player-base, as most "Killers" are either brand new to the game, or die-hard veterans looking for something to prove to themselves.

Despite having no voice chat built into the game, "Survivors" often use voice-chat throughtheir console or PC, disrupting what little integrity the game has.

"Killers" with abilities that can eliminate "Survivors" easier are locked behind paid DLC, that costs at least $5 USD per character.

"Dead by Daylight? Oh, you mean that game where you run in circles and drop pallets, instead of being able to actually fight the Killer?"

"I was tired of not getting any kills in Dead by Daylight, so I bought Leatherface --- now I kill all the Survivors, no problem.

"Yeah, I remember Dead by Daylight... Killers have no chance against a SwF group --- the game is poorly designed, plain and simple."

by TheresAHotlineForYouToCall February 22, 2022

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What you get when you combine alcoholism with a complete lack of respect for ones own self. It's ok though, he's got some midsy heady horn rigs that he swears are worth thousands of dollars.

Danieltopshelf made a name for himself in i502 when he began trolling business pages. Over the past couple of years, he's harassed the ownership of multiple brands ---- essentially blacklisting himself from the industry.

Danieltopshelf? You mean that drunk kid who talks crap to everyone? It's safe to say we'll never see Daniel at Hypehouse again.

Danieltopshelf / Daniel really underestimated how small the i502 industry is. We won't be seeing him at any secret seshes anytime soon.

by TheresAHotlineForYouToCall March 4, 2022

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