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Sans Undertale is a fucking dumbass

For the love of god please stop fucking posting about sans Undertale it’s giving me internal seizures

Asgores bette- why are there vegetables at my front door

Dumbass:“hy sns ooderteil s bst chrcter1!!1 *starts twerking furiously*

Me : please shut the fuck up my mind is currently trying to comprehend the stupidity of your existence alone I can’t take any more

Also asgores soundtrack is better

Oh and

Example 2:

Sans: kids make me hard

Me: I’m going to turn you into bone meal if you don’t fucking stop talking you pearly albino version of Jeffrey Dhammer
Asgore: I kill kids cause they’re fucking stupid and come here themselves
Me: ikr fkn dumbasses

Oh yeah and Sans Undertale is a fucking dumbass

by Theworldsendingandigive0shits May 9, 2023

2👍 2👎


Jerry is a caring, amazing person. He- nah, I’m kidding. Anybody with a name in general is a bitch; ESPECIALLY some name like jErRy. This is probably the first name on the UB you’ve seen that isn’t talking about how some random dude is a god and you should worship their fucking existence alone. I mean, what kind of pussy ass name is jerry??? I know, my name sounds weird, but jerry has to be the most albino, austistic, terminally disordered shit I’ve ever heard in my life. I mean, the entire Undertale fandom hates jerry, and that excuse for a community has more people than the military can even think of having!!! Fucking dumbass, jerry. Toms doing us a great job getting rid of that goddamned rat.

Guy 1: Look at that dumbass. What a jerry.
Guy 2: *holding in laughter ( jerry is such a bad excuse for a name it’s considered an insult)*
Both start laughing at that piece of jerry (the thing that’s worse to find in the toilet than shit)

by Theworldsendingandigive0shits May 9, 2023


The thing that made me and my father commit Lego step

Dumbass:Hey have you heard of undertail? I ship as-
Me: *averagely pulls out nuclear warbomb remote*

by Theworldsendingandigive0shits May 11, 2023