Source Code

diaper head

Slang for a person of Middle Eastern Descent. Refers to the turbin that some wear.

That goddamn diaper head stole my car man!

by Thing March 11, 2005

299👍 103👎


A thing is a thing. Much like a thing but more thingy.

The thing is brokeen so get the thing to replace the thing because without the thing the thing would not be thingy.

by Thing April 12, 2005

456👍 201👎


Comes from the gangster Mike McGugan. He was a l33t scripter, and the leader of the McGugamafia. Meaning nothing but cool.

"Mike McGugan runs your shit homie"

by Thing January 14, 2005

14👍 8👎

camal jockey

Slang for a person of arabic descent, refers to the nomadic peoples of the middle east who are depicted as riding camals.

that camal jockey shot my brother!

by Thing March 11, 2005

38👍 21👎

Wrong uses for this

I'd have to say I agree with both of the above definitions.
The entries on the Urban Dictionary should be funny, but not at the expense of other people. And it's turning into a message board, as this page demonstrates.

by Thing March 2, 2003

3👍 4👎