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Class of 2024

Class of 2024 are currently freshmen in high school (13,14,15). Possibly the greatest class out of Generation Z. They enjoy making fun of Class of 2023 and Class of 2025, using TikTok only for the memes, attractive people, and dances. Class of 2024 is actually smart but they act dumb most of the time. Upperclassmen and lower classes hate on them because they're actually original and a tight-knit community. Everyone kind of gave up on them, even their parents most likely. Class of 2024 is a HANDFUL. A couple of their favorite sayings include "periodt", "LMFAO" or "HAHAHAOFEOIFH", typing random letters, and using "i-" when they're shocked. Class of 2024 is pretty mature because they're aware of the world around them. Most of them are bad at Math or English, it's either one of those two subjects. THEY HATE SCHOOL WITH A PASSION AND WOULD DROP OUT WITH NO HESITATION, but they don't wanna disappoint their family more. Class of 2024 genuinely cares about everyone around them, unless they don't like you. They enjoy binge-watching tv shows, eating, doing some sort of activity, and going on social media. There's more things I could say about Class of 2024 but this is a handful already. DEUCES :P

Fun fact: yuh, i'm class of 2024 and this is pretty accurate.

"what class are you?"

"class of 2024"

by ThisPersonIsAnonymousBruh October 14, 2020

26👍 5👎