Source Code


...Well, it's not English, I can tell ya that.

12jhsefwe ghewkhtjk? OMFG ROFL dslfh7 hska--9 hasfjh fsjlsehr!!!

-brb <3

by Tianto November 25, 2004

303👍 97👎


A lowly evolved troll. One n00b can lay up to 123,000 eggs in less than five minutes, has a gestation period of 12 hours, and a life span of 70 years. They reside exclusively on Neopets and breed and reproduce in chatrooms and boards. Fortunately, as boards go, there are very few n00bs on IMDB.

n00b 1: gfhkagsk13h bsd?
n00b 2: hfhusgr gfsahrjsklr hfjkah!!
n00b 3: fjg gsdkjfhsbvs gsjk?
n00b 1: gsfgskfgseh. fg!
n00b 3: ROFL

by Tianto November 25, 2004

501👍 298👎


1- To have proper spelling
2- To know what's good for you, whether you do it or not
3- To do what's best
4- To look at both issues
5- To admit your mistakes
6- To not overdo it
7- To not need to be told every little detail
8- To wonder constantly
9- To understand
10- To be weird
11- To think for yourself
12- The exact opposite of Poodle
13- To not suck up
14- To have a good sense of humor
15- To not pretend to be something you're not
16- To let he idiots embarass themselves
17- To question everything

Smart is...Uncommon around here.

by Tianto November 24, 2004

1924👍 428👎

floppy disk

Wimpy but wonderful.

Where'd I put that floppy?

by Tianto December 16, 2004

15👍 24👎


...I just like it. I don't know why.

Slash slash swish BANG!!!

by Tianto November 23, 2004

228👍 113👎


A lovely, fluffy giant husky. If you hate wolves, then you suck. Nyaaaah!

I happen to believe that chihuahuas and poodles are descended from rodents.

by Tianto November 24, 2004

74👍 78👎