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Tactile dome

Mild pain and tingling one experiences after one ejaculates but continues receiving blow job

"Already baby, that's enough. I've already cum and you're giving me tactile dome."

by Tigercock January 17, 2010


1) a way of life, as "father".

2) An expression of the realization that square is a badge of honor, that success is possible with a positive attitude, that family is paramount, that honesty is everything. As Jesus Christ says, "let your yes be yes, and your no, no." Encompasses dad rock, tucked in shirts, eye contact, good posture, hard work, dirty jokes with "the boys", politics, creedance, Good relationship with parents, being a role model, "grown-up", pays more than his share of taxes, leans right of left, and unlimited BBQs.

"John is dadcore. He just finished his PhD and is raising two boys with his wife, Carla. Lucky guy."

by Tigercock January 26, 2015

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