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Fruit Cocktail

Fruit Cocktail - (n.) A gay orgy

Dude, I went to that new bar called "Rough Riders" cause I thought it was a western bar and I like line dancing, but it was a gay bar. It was a total Fruit Cocktail.

by Titan2014 November 3, 2016

French fry short of a Happy Meal

Someone who's brain is not functioning at full capacity.

She's a french fry short of a Happy Meal, cause when the Special Olympics are on, she thinks it's her birthday.

by Titan2014 July 1, 2017


Someone who keeps falling asleep while trying to fuck a dead person.

Although the dead person didn't get offended, it was really inconsiderate of the necronarcoleptic to keep nodding off during sex.

by Titan2014 July 1, 2017

A Poncho short of a Tamale stand

Someone who's brain is not functioning at full capacity.

She's a poncho short of a Tamale stand cause when we go to the petting zoo, she eats dirt with the sheep.

by Titan2014 July 1, 2017

Tepee short of a Wigwam

Someone who's brain is not functioning at full capacity.

Bless her heart, she's so stupid she thought my thesaurus was a dinosaur, she's a tepee short of a wigwam.

by Titan2014 July 1, 2017

Maraca short of a Mariachi Band

Someone who's brain is not functioning at full capacity.

Bless her heart, she walked straight into the PTA meeting wearing her bra on the outside of her Lane Bryant pantsuit, she's a maraca short of a Mariachi Band.

by Titan2014 July 1, 2017

mauricio syndrome

The unshakeable and sudden belief that you are a superhero who can save the world from evil by spreading the message of love with musical theatre.

Man 1: Have you heard about the latest terrorist plot?
Man 2: Don't worry, I'll stop the hate with some tap dancing and the score of "Wicked".
Man 1: Oh, dude. Sounds like you have mauricio syndrome.

by Titan2014 March 7, 2014

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