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Sherwood Park Kings

A bunch of fags with backwards hats rolled up pants, and kings sweaters. These men get so much pussy for playing Kings and they are very talented at the game of hockey as they play AA or AAA hockey most of the Kings players have a bad rep but that doesnҀ™t stop them from the amount of pussy they get.

Girl #1 oh wow you play Sherwood Park Kings?!
Kings boi#1 ya
Girl #1 *proceeds to suck dick*

by Tittykiller69 November 27, 2018

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Epic Gamer Moment

An exciting moment when two hardcore gamers come together and agree on something absolutely epic. This occurrence is a rare beautiful sighting. This moment has an overload of epic ness and can be seen with two gamers having a conversation.

Gamer 1: liberals suck right?
Gamer 2: ya they suck
Both gamers: *Epic Gamer Moment*

by Tittykiller69 November 28, 2018

282πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Kieran Correia

A very short 5Ҁ™3 male he is very strong for his height he beats tall kids in arm wrestles and he is pretty decent at hockey as he plays Sherwood Park AA kings.

Who is that sexy man is that Kieran Correia?

by Tittykiller69 November 26, 2018

51πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž