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young boy

someone who is less than 27 and is a troublemaker, mostly a guy

My dad was a big young boy back in the day

by TokenIranian July 8, 2015

34πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Relationship Jail

basically the same as being single or in the friendzone

I've been in relationship jail for most of my life, idk when I'm gonna get out

by TokenIranian September 23, 2016

outlaw wrestler

an outlaw wrestler is a wrestler who uses illegal tactics to win a wrestling match, possible tactics include:
1. punching or kicking an opponent
2. using performance enhancing drugs
3. choking an opponent
4. distracting an opponent

some schools are very infamous for their outlaw wrestlers

by TokenIranian November 25, 2015

not today dog

a synonym for "no" or "later"

A: hey wanna smoke some weed?
B: Not today dog

by TokenIranian December 12, 2015


someone who faps, also can be used as a general term as an insult

you son of a fapist!

by TokenIranian October 5, 2015

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


cool, awesome, cute

these clothes are so chingy, too bad i cant afford them

by TokenIranian June 5, 2015


A female so hot she's as hot and spicy as a habanero pepper

Zoe is such a Habanero

by TokenIranian September 28, 2015