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Francine is a very old name that originates from France but is a latin word, it means beautiful flower. Usually Francine's are very pretty brunettes, with an average height and gorgeous intense eyes that speaks volumes of how they feel. They are beautiful but have a kind of awkwardness about them and an easy going nature that makes them approachable. The Francine's complains a lot but they do it in such a way that it's dramatic and funny. They make great friend and never let off their friendships but end up losing friends due their frank sometimes thoughtless remarks.

me: Hey, check out that classy babe,
freind: forget it, you have no chance with her
me: (after seeing her trip a couple of time) Oh yes, I think I do

Friend: yeah, if she keeps tripping like that definetey have a shot but don't Francine too hard!!

by Tomjkon February 5, 2010

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