Source Code


CHP stands for The California Highway Patrol.
It is state-wide law enforcement. Some people call it "State Troopers" or "State police".

Oh no, it is a CHP officer right there, slow down!

by ToolifyStudios August 4, 2022


Pronounced "new mar a lam agio dos a go jol lik sto ri pa ti ren a ger ena jika los esi s"

This word is a Disease.

And it starts with a silent "p".

My mom caught Pnemaralamagiodosegojolikstoripatirenagirenajikaloseses and she died

by ToolifyStudios March 23, 2022


Stands for "Geographic Eternity Ochocinco Hello Isolate Soup Orchestra Lick Ice Soft Ocean Cough Oceania Fire Iran Stranded Europe Strawberry"

Pronounced as "geo his olis ocof is es


by ToolifyStudios March 23, 2022


a shidudy is a man that is stupid

This shidudy can't solve 2x2

by ToolifyStudios April 11, 2022


1. dismiss as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to one's taste.

2. a person or thing dismissed as failing to meet standards or satisfy tastes.

union negotiators rejected a 1.5 percent pay increase

by ToolifyStudios March 20, 2022

Grand Theft Auto

1. Grand Theft Auto (or GTA for short) is a video game franchise made back in 1997. The newest game in the franchise is called "GTA The trilogy: definitive edition released in 2021.

2. Grand Theft Auto means to steal someone else's vehicle (specifically a car)

and it is unlawful, so PLEASE do not try this at home.

I played Grand Theft Auto 5.

Is that person doing Grand Theft Auto?

by ToolifyStudios August 4, 2022


1. Arachnophobia is a phobia for a fear of spiders.

2. Arachnophobia is a comedy/horror movie that was released in 1990, it is rated PG-13, so only ages 13+ can watch it.

Did you watch Arachnophobia?

I took a arachnophobia test and sadly I got a positive.

by ToolifyStudios October 21, 2022