Source Code

Come Lumbers

An orgy of lumberjacks

The fun fest of come lumbers was interesting.

by Tragedies February 8, 2017

1👍 1👎


To be horrible at everything in life.

It's also a synonym for the word Idiot

See that kid? Yeah, he's definitely an Invay.

by Tragedies April 30, 2012

8👍 4👎


Passify (v)
1. To rape someone in Call of Duty.
Passify (n)
1. A very well known Call of Duty player who enjoys playing MLG Variant.

2. A player who has a crap team every single time he plays CoD.

You just got raped by the Passify .

Damn, Passify has some good gunskill.

I wish I was more like a Passify .

by Tragedies January 2, 2012

25👍 9👎

Saucy Loser

A person, place, or thing possessing all the qualities of a loser.

Becky went to bed really early she's such a saucy loser.

by Tragedies February 10, 2017


When someone's outfit is on point

Not gonna lie, your outfit is a serve.
This is a serve.

by Tragedies February 7, 2019

375👍 55👎