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Trust is a very handsome guy and jovial person that loves and cares for everyone and loves making people smile and laugh .

Trust shares his heart to everyone but can do the undone if his heart is shredded to pieces

Trust is a guy most girls want and love to be with and he doesn't hold back his feelings for he always wants to see you happy

Trust is a guy with great cooking talents and loves trying different style of making a dish

Trust is a playful guy who plays with everyone regardless the age and loves trying new things

Trust is a athletic guy that roles in different sport and never give up on winning

Trust is a guy that loves music , a day doesn't go by without him listening to a couple of songs

Trust is a guy that explodes with rage when pushed to the wall unjustly

I was so bored at home till Trust visited and everything turned around within a blink of an eye

I regret what I did to Trust for he showed is bad side to me and it was so bad I ran away

by Trizzyfroze February 5, 2020

1👍 18👎


A strong independent very handsome / Beautiful male / female that's always happy and tries his / her best to make everyone around him / her happy .

Ewoma can be very nasty atimes but the love in his/her heart can solve a countries problem in a blink of an eye .

He / she has more than enough goodness in the heart to share , also badly short-tempered when treated unjustly or badly .

Ewoma also means goodness or blessings . It's originates from the isoko tribe in Delta State, Nigeria

I saw Ewoma today and he made me laugh so much I cried and had a stitch

by Trizzyfroze February 5, 2020