Source Code

Truculent Harry Plopper

A particularly difficult bowel movement.

James came out of the bathroom after 30 minutes wiping the sweat from his brow, and when asked what took so long, he replied, "Had myself a truculent Harry Plopper!"

Wanderlust script, Episode 1:

We were going to Dublin, visit some friends, we're on the plane, and he says he needs to piss and he's gone for what feels like an eternity.
So I'm thinking, you know, either he's working his way through a particularly truculent Harry Plopper.

by TruculentPug December 10, 2018


Raising a given constant to the power of its argument, in a shitty manner.

Paris Hilton's popularity has grown excrementally since she released her video.

by TruculentPug July 17, 2006

19👍 1👎


Social Networking Online Whore

Someone who creates profiles on all of the social networking sites (i.e. MySpace, Facebook, Quechup, Friendster etc.) for the sole purpose of collecting random "friends" so they can look popular.

I am not going out with that guy. He's got 2000 random women on his MySpace page. He's such a SNOW!

by TruculentPug April 22, 2008

21👍 13👎