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Prince of Whales

Son of the King of Whales, heir to the throne of the Ocean kingdom. President Trump met with him in 2019.

“I just met with the Queen of England (U.K.), the Prince of Whales, the P.M. of the United Kingdom, the P.M. of Ireland, the President of France and the President of Poland. We talked about ‘Everything!’” - President Trump via Twitter.

by Trumplodyte June 13, 2019

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wake up call

When you wake someone up by ripping a loud fart in their ear or face. A common prank played on those who like to sleep in at boy scout camp, church camps, fraternities, and boot camp. While likely done do a lesser extent, girls also have been known to participate in this activity at slumber parties. Please note the difference between this definition and "sound the alarm"

Frank is still sleeping and we need to leave in 10 minutes, so why don't you give him a wake up call to get him out of bed.

by Trumplodyte July 8, 2019

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A malaise of the lower bowels. Diarrhea.

I got decrapitated after eating that fast food.

by Trumplodyte December 5, 2018

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Hard Fart

There are already several definitions for this term on here, but all of them are wrong.

I think people must be confusing "hard fart" with "dense fart", and those terms are not the same thing.

A "hard fart" or "hard gas" is a medical term, something you might tell your doctor or your doctor may ask you about. A hard fart is a painful fart that sometimes has to be squeezed out to relieve pressure in the bowels as a result of constipation. You will discuss this with your doctor as a symptom of constipation. Usually, there is no defecation associated with a hard fart because of an underlying constipation issue. Sometimes a small amount of solid particles or "fecal debris" may pass along with this fart leaving skid marks, but this is not the same as a "shart".

Conversely, a "dense fart" comes about as a result of a diarrhea issue, usually a precursor to blowing mud. Hard farts are a precursor to having a painful, dry bowel movement sometime (often days) later.

Doctor: "How often do you have bowel movements?"
Patient: "About every 4-5 days, but I have a lot of hard farts for a few days prior to having a BM."

by Trumplodyte November 15, 2019

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Sit up front

A bathroom prank similar to the Upper Decker, Dry Docker, and Riding the Horse Backwards, but logistically much easier. The idea here is to sit at the very front of the toilet seat, with your rectal opening just over the edge. This way, when you defecate, your feces falls just inside the front lip of the toilet bowl, leaving a brown streak on the side of the bowl. The fecal matter then "welds" to the side of the bowl, outside the water line, leaving a horrible stench and a difficult cleanup job. Because the toilet has not been altered in any way, people may assume that someone just "missed" and was not a deliberate act.

The problem with the "Upper Decker" is that most public toilets do not have an upper tank, and in private residences access to the upper tank is often difficult because of shelving, cabinetry, wall artwork, etc. If there is nothing near the toilet to hold onto, it is also difficult to balance. The problem with the dry docker is access to the shut off valve. In public restrooms this is usually not accessible. Riding the Horse Backwards makes no sense because one would have to remove his/her pants completely in order to straddle the toilet while facing the wall. Sitting up front accomplishes the same goal, but is much easier.

The employee at the sandwich shop was rude to me, so I am going to use their restroom and sit up front.

by Trumplodyte February 13, 2019

fecal bombardment

The deliberate spreading of false information for the purposes of swaying public opinion or reinforcing existing beliefs. Typically, this term is used in a political or corporate context. In short, it means to "spread shit around".

The candidate engaged in a campaign of fecal bombardment in order to gain a leg up on his opponent.

After the scandal involving the board of directors, the new CEO began a policy of fecal bombardment in order to keep investors happy.

by Trumplodyte December 18, 2018

lordy be

An exclamation of bewilderment, typically used by older generations. This is a variation of the term "Oh my lord!" which in turn is a variation of "Oh my God!" which in turn is a variation of "Holy Shit!"

"Well lordy be that is sure a fine Cadillac you have there!"

by Trumplodyte April 7, 2020

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