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Once you meet an Alieya its life impacting. They will be with you through thick and thin. They might be a handful at times but they will be loyal to you. If you treat them right, Alieya will always be there for you.They are smart, beautiful, caring, trustworthy and passionate .

I should have never stop talking to Alieya ,she was always there for me.

by Truth1997 June 30, 2015

86👍 3👎

Meek Mill

To get bodied or get your career ended, unfortunately Meek Mill was castrated by Drake in a rap beef he lost all of his street cred and definitely will lose Nicki in the future.

*Some random nigga calls you a bitch in front of your girl* You keep it real and confront him, he ends up beating the shit out of you. You got MEEK MILL'D

by Truth1997 August 2, 2015

302👍 752👎