Source Code

fat cow

bovine mammal with inordinate volume of fat tissue

Yo 'sup?! This beef is only 80% lean - must have come from one fat cow, mothafucka!

by Truth2Power August 24, 2004

80πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

torn up

Correct syntactical form of the urban slang expression "tore up". Describes condition of material or intellectual element that has been modified, generally violently or malavolently, from its original desired or accepted form.

Yo 'sup?! Last night I was torn up from all the partying and carousing we did, mothafucka! I don't want to do that again any time soon.

by Truth2Power September 5, 2004

87πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Tasting of, or proportionately rich in, sodium chloride.

Yo 'sup?! Prepared frozen foods are most disagreeable and undesirable in a mothafucka's diet, as they are rich in sodium - too mothafuckin' salty!

by Truth2Power September 5, 2004

288πŸ‘ 312πŸ‘Ž

gangster shit

Psychological issues unique to Da Life; "baggage".

Woman with Gangster: "You nevah evah tell me that you love me! I am so tired of dealin' wid yo' gangsta shit!"

Gangster: "Yo, Baby, please don't be trippin' like dat - I'm not so good at representin', I know, but my parents' nevah showed me no luv. Or what luv I did get was entirely conditional. It's my shit, I'm a gangsta, I got to deal wid it, I know."

by Truth2Power September 5, 2004

88πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


n. Resource allocation plan, prescribed for specific duration; resource most commonly is money, but other resources such as food and even intangible resources like time can be allocated in a budget.

Yo 'sup! I've had a miserable time managing my money, 'cuz I been so muthafuckin' focused on keepin' up wid da bling! Werd.

by Truth2Power September 17, 2004

36πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

my b

Diminutive of "my bad", the enunciation of which saves neither the enunciator nor the listener any time of mind or eardrum, though which does indeed spare the enunciator the torment of touching the tip of his tongue to the front upper roof of the mouth as when one does actually say "bad".

Yo 'sup?! I lament the laze and malaise of the muthafucka who can't bring himself to say "my bad" but instead must employ "my b" in its stead, even though there is no contractive benefit gained by the effort, muthafuckas!

by Truth2Power September 6, 2004

473πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž

tore up

Past tense of the infinitive "to tear" paired with preposition "up"; combined to form idiom to describe destruction of either material or intangible condition.

Yo 'sup! I tore up a check I wrote when I realized I had written it for an amount inconsistent with the value of my purchase, mothafucka! It tore up my heart to have wasted the resource! Word!

by Truth2Power September 1, 2004

69πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž