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reverse inverse pegging

Between two persons with male genitalia. One wears a strap-on backwards and fucks the recieving participant's ass by having said participant doing a head stand with hips and knees bent 90° in a sitting position. The participant with strap on, stands up and sits down on the chair structure formed by the recieving participant, inserting the strap on into the recieving participants asshole.

Two male gymnasts tried the reverse inverse pegging after receiving their new strap on.

by Tuguit August 17, 2020

1👍 3👎


Claiming to not be part of a sex cult in the Bahamas.

I'm in a relationship, no FTX!

by Tuguit February 2, 2023

No mask, no blast.

A way for someone to ask someone to wear a mask before engaging in intercourse in the time of a pandemic.

We can hook up but you know covid. So, no mask, no blast.

by Tuguit September 25, 2020

No mask, no blast.

In the times of covid 19, health officials recommended that masks were to be worn while having intercourse. It is a pun on no love without a glove.

It was August 5th 2020. We were about to fuck right before she stop and asked if I had a mask. I said "No?" She hopped out of bed and said "No mask, no blast." I left her house with blue balls.

by Tuguit September 24, 2020

Sea Ottoring

Too stay in one place waiting for the ladies to come to you.

In the wild sea otters stay near food sources waiting for females to pass by in order to mate.

I be sea Ottoring by the DJ waiting for the ladies to come to me.

by Tuguit August 25, 2020