Source Code

Bring Out The Cannons

Phrase used when someone does something for effect. Said for sarcasm.

"Bring out the cannons, he said he was on cocaine!"

by Turnipcloud October 9, 2005

5👍 1👎


It's like a wedgie but you pull up a girls bra straps onto her head. You may need to remove her top for this. See how high you can get it......

I gave Lisa a bledgie last night, man, she has boobs!

by Turnipcloud October 11, 2005

3👍 5👎


Would laugh my ass off if I had one. Used when you get tired of LMAO, because you've probably said that so much that it's been laughed off. Is also more interesting than lol.

"wlmaoiiho, cos I've already laffed my ass off!

by Turnipcloud October 9, 2005

8👍 2👎


Word used to describe people who are crap.
e.g. President Bush.

He's a total failure.

by Turnipcloud October 9, 2005

611👍 343👎