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A bit like a "forward roll" but especially adapted for swampy areas, it was invented by Mr.Deevun Parp from the village of Cackpile in Swampshire. Since the technique afforded the traveller a clean arse at the end of his journey, the term has more recently been adopted to refer to toilet-tissue

"Give us a bogroll Deevun"

by Twizla January 26, 2005

18👍 68👎


A brainy milf

Origin; Countdown, Ch4, 3.15pm
Hosted by; a right twat
Improved by a sexy boffin by the name of Carol

"That teachers a right horny vorderman."

by Twizla February 2, 2005

16👍 10👎


Due to "Care in the Community", this is the new pronunciation for anyone formally known as Stephen who consistently comes out with no-brainer ideas/comments.

Come on Deevun, take the beacon off your head now mate!

by Twizla January 26, 2005

spaz car

A three wheeled vehicle distributed to the handicapped by the British Government in the 1970s (some kind of conspiracy to eradicate them perhaps). They all came in the same ugly light-blue colour.

"Urgh...look at John's cardigan, it's spaz-car blue!"

by Twizla January 26, 2005

wanna lift

Can be either the best thing you ever heard or the worst.

Your wasted, its late; "Wanna lift mate?" = GOOD
Your six, at the park; "Wanna lift mate?" = BAD

by Twizla January 26, 2005

4👍 6👎


One who partakes in the consumption of herbal consumerables having wrapped said vegetation in a specific manufacturers primary product.

"Rizla-twizla, brain-cell sizzler"

by Twizla January 26, 2005

5👍 2👎


To get very upset indeed and usually freak out at someone. A violent outburst.

Derogative term derived from "epileptic fit".

"When he saw them together he had a fuckin eppy"

by Twizla February 3, 2005

92👍 60👎