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This is a term implying that it is necessary to accept what goes on around you, or what's done to you. Say you get completely owned at something, JUST RECEIVE IT! You can also say this to other people when you own them; tell them to just receive your seed! Absolutely everything is receiveable, and u'll see that when you start to just receive things as they are, u'll be much more easy going. And don't just receive, you must Give as well!

After owning someone at anything, go up to them and thrust. Give to them, expressing your victory. As you're thrusting, say in a booming voice, RECEIVE!!!

When ur talking to your friend and he says "what would u do, if we were walking down the street and and I just randomly turned into a Balrog?" (Perfect response) I would receive it.

by Tyronwhite May 27, 2007

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