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basically just the new "prude"
just another way for assholes in middle school or high school to belittle or embarrass others.
Getting left out of all the good tea, because they think you just couldn't handle hearing such things.
Drugs, sex, ETC.
they'll claim that you're too innocent, and then laugh it off at your face as if they hadn't just said something completely embarrassing and belittling.
even though you're no different from them, you might even be older than them. you might even be way more mature and responsible and respectful than those fuckers.

don't waste your time, there's nothing wrong with you.
they may think they're better than you, the center of the goddamn universe cuz their mama
spoiled them n taught them so.

they're not, and they're prolly just as insecure as you.
So don't try to change yourself for them, or try to live up to their dumb standards of how someone should be.

fuck them.

"oh jesse! haha you're just so innocent!"
"shh, be quiet. Jesse is too innocent for his/her ears to hear!"
"omg he's/she's so innocent, he/she wouldn't understand!"
"he/she is so innocent they could never do anything wrong!"

by URLOCALNOBODY November 24, 2020