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This name consists of two parts: bell (ring) and glory.Derivative, or caressing versions of the name: Dzvenyslava, Dzvina, Dzvinonka, Dzvinochka, Dzvinusya, Slava, Slavka, Slavets. In ancient Kyiv Rus (Ukraine) it was believed that Dzvenislava is the name of a guardian angel who will protect a person all his life. In the meaning of this name there are many ancient roots and sources that are today irretrievably lost. In disputes, Dzvinka will prefer a compromise, using a soft approach to reach an agreement, but when it is noticed that the dispute flares up, she will step aside in time. Dzvenislava usually has many friends and acquaintances, so she does not suffer from loneliness. If Dzvinka wants to succeed in her career, she should learn to concentrate as much as possible and gain perseverance. As soon as she start doing your favorite art, life will provide an opportunity to earn a living and from this the level of comfort will increase by itself. So, by giving a girl this name, you will give her strength of will, endurance, feminine courage, resilience, love of freedom, but at the same time the representative of this ancient name will be a sincere, polite lady, loving wife and mother.

Dzvinka is a very sweet girl

by Ukrainian November 23, 2021


really HOT ,not always friendly , but kind people dat have suffered a lot.

Look @ dat fuckin american he duznt even know wot real life is like , but he thinks he can judge ukrainians.

by Ukrainian October 29, 2003

170👍 125👎