Source Code

Auto Incorrect

Auto Incorrect means your iPad, iPod, iPhone, maybe even a Samsung tablet or phone decides to correct you. The software then puts a different word that makes you sound stupid, mad, happy, etc. That's rage inducing.

Joe: Hey, boar!
Greg: What?! I'm not an animal!

by Ultraf0xDictionary June 7, 2014

23πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Pickle means:

(1:) A pickle is I think a veggie. It's sometimes sour. It's good and is used on burgers. Gherkins is like an English pickle but it's taste is a bit different. There are sliced pickles and there are lots of types of pickles that can be sliced into little thin cylinders. Now, a normal dill pickle is a big stick, it's gigantic.

(2:) Pickle is how some kids or weird people call a penis. Yep, because of it's shape. There's a joke that says: "Do you want to tickle my pickle?" It's the perfect example for this second definition.

Ultraf0x loves pickles on his burger or chopped pickles in the sauces he makes.

(2:) The girl saw the man's big pickle.

by Ultraf0xDictionary June 7, 2014

3πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Sideline hater

Someone who uses you and likes to see you fail in life, school, or even your job. A big prick, honestly. He maybe uses you to see your information or something that you own such as a game, car, or maybe even your own house. He in the end reveals he is your hater. You then succeed in kicking the prick in the nose and breaking a bone.

Dang, Manuel's best friend is a sideline hater, that's just a shame

Josh used to be friends with Garrett until he found out Garrett was a sideline hater using him for money, fame, and games. That's super lame.

by Ultraf0xDictionary June 5, 2014

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Sapiosexual refers to thinking as an opinion that intelligence is the most important or the sexiest thing in a relationship. Meaning; you might love 'nerds' or 'geeks.'

The geeky girl at school likes sapiosexual characteristics.

by Ultraf0xDictionary June 6, 2014

161πŸ‘ 161πŸ‘Ž


(1:) The sound of a gun; used in comics or real life
(2:) How an explosion or gunfire sounds in comics.
(3:) Sexual intercourse

(1:) The loud bang meant someone was being shot.
(2:) In the comic, the noisy bang meant that the criminal was shooting at the hero.
(3:) The pervert likes to bang hookers in the local strip club.

by Ultraf0xDictionary June 7, 2014

Push pen anxiety

Push pen anxiety is when you click your pen's little button. It is addicting because of it's sound and it's motion of going up and down (no sexual innuendo.) You kind of get hypnotized. It's weird but kinda awesome. Hah, try it out but not in class. You might get in trouble with your teacher, mates.

The child got push pen anxiety and got in trouble for clicking it so much times.

by Ultraf0xDictionary June 7, 2014

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Acid Rush

Acid Rush is kind of similar to sugar rush. Let's say you eat a piece of sour candy. The sour taste is good but it reaches your cheeks and starts to like infect it with a acid tasting feel and when it reaches your throat it's good but so sour that you start to make a sour duck face and run around.

Rick ate some warheads and then he got Acid Rush.

by Ultraf0xDictionary June 7, 2014