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laying tile

The act of having sex with a client while under the pretense of performing contract work.

Dude, I had a one day tile job at the Malone's. With Mr. Malone away on business, I've been there the whole week laying tile all over the house with Mrs. Malone.

by UrbanDick802 January 21, 2013

19👍 3👎

breaking trail

In back country skiing circles, it is often defined as the act of venturing into untouched or “virgin” snow. In matters of the flesh, breaking trail is defined as the act of venturing into new sexual acts or unexplored areas with a partner.

Kev, what happened with that chick last night at après ski?

Dude, we went back to my place and she told me was a virgin, and I told her, “not for long.” Then I spent the whole night breaking trail in front of the rumford fireplace.

by UrbanDick802 January 21, 2013

15👍 6👎


The term "skinning" originates in backcountry ski circles and refers to the act of attaching climbing skins to the bottom of alpine skis or splitboards as to allow uphill travel on downhill skis. Once the ascent is complete, the skins are removed before descent.

In matters of the flesh, "skinning" is when sexual partners disrobe and couple to allow skin to skin contact...feels so good...

Kev, what happened with that chick last night after après ski?

Dude, we went back to my place and she told me was a virgin and I thought, “not for long.” Once I got her clothes off and we were skinning, she couldn’t get enough of me. Then I spent the whole night breaking trail in front of the rumford fireplace.

by UrbanDick802 January 21, 2013

16👍 9👎

rumford fireplace

Count Rumford, a physicist and inventor for whom the Rumford fireplace was named, designed what is considered to be the most efficient fireplace of all time. His design has been considered state of the art all over the world since the 1790’s.

Kev, what happened with that chick last night at après ski?

Dude, we went back to my place and she told me was a virgin and I thought, “not for long.” Then I spent the whole night breaking trail in front of the rumford fireplace.

by UrbanDick802 January 21, 2013