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A photograph of one's self taken by one's self...a self portrait, if you will. Such photos are typically taken using the camera function on a cell phone or holding a camera. Many people will resort to taking the photo using a mirror so they can see the picture they are about to take. In some instances other people will be in the photo additionally to the one taking the photo (who is also in the photo). Selfies are often taken alone and are popular across social media.

Marissa: Hey Abby, let's take a selfie in front of this statue!
Abby: Sure, make sure you tag me when you post it on instagram!
Marissa: For sure. I'll post it to facebook too!

Joe: I feel hot today, I think I'll take a selfie!
*Goes into bathroom and takes a picture of himself using mirror*

by UrbanKay March 8, 2014

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