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A word/phrase I came up with for the following scenario in the game For Honor;
When the enemy team is nearing 1000 points and you are killed by an enemy, and the length of the execution animation the enemy uses extends your death to after they have reached 1000 points, causing you to be unable to respawn when, if a shorter execution had been used or none at all, you would have died before they reached 1000 points and been able to respawn.

I would have been able to help my team in the last fight but I got timinged again.

by UrbanScribe7 May 27, 2021

Stupid Fuck

You, retard.

You stupid fuck. Fuck you. Retard.

by UrbanScribe7 June 24, 2021

N-Word Pass

A metaphorical pass that allows you to say nigger or nigga.Usually given by a black friend.

Jim:Damn, I wanna sing this rap song, but it says the N-Word
Jamal: I'll give you the N-Word Pass
Jim: Sweet! 🎶My nigga my nigga🎶

I like to say nigger without an N-Word Pass.

by UrbanScribe7 October 1, 2019

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4am TV shows

Those wierd TV shows that come on at 4am. No matter what channel you're on it will have 4am TV shows. Examples include Joe Pera Talks with You, Check it Out! With Dr. Steve Brule, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, George Lopez, and others.

I woke up at 4am yesterday and turned on the TV and couldn't find anything I normally watch. Just 4am TV shows.

by UrbanScribe7 November 23, 2018


What the fuck? Are you goddamned retarded? It's a fucking lemon you special ed motherfucker. Jesus Christ who let this window licker off of the short bus? Motherfucker searching "Lemon" on UrbanDictionary. Get back in the special ed room before I kick your retarded ass back in there.

Jim:This retarded ass motherfucker just searched "Lemon" on Urban Dictionary.

John: What a fucking window licker.

by UrbanScribe7 November 23, 2019

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-A tool used for cutting wood. Usually felling trees
-An electric guitar
-Walmart for ask.

-Check out my new axe.
-Lets play our new axes!
-May I axe you a question?

by UrbanScribe7 May 3, 2017

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A person who does the same annoying, irritating thing so much, they are a cycle of Fucktardedness.

You Fuckwheel! Stop doing that!!

by UrbanScribe7 January 27, 2017