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crock of shit

Something that is false, misleading, full of lies, etc.

The assertion that your car is exceptional is a crock of shit.

by UrbanWebster February 15, 2004

467πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

death shit

A bout of diarrhea so intensely painful that it almost kills you.

I woke up at 3 AM and pooped so hard that I thought it would be my death shit.

by UrbanWebster February 15, 2004

62πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


1) A penis.

2) A buffoon, moron, jerk-off, or idiot.

When inserting your fuckstick into your own anal cavity, take great precaution not to injure yourself.

The guy in the Dallas Cowboys shirt to my left is a total fuckstick.

by UrbanWebster February 15, 2004

793πŸ‘ 355πŸ‘Ž


The space between your testicles and anus (balls and anus= banus). See taint.

John kicked me between the legs, but he got me behind the balls, right in my banus.

by UrbanWebster February 15, 2004

170πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


A married person who enjoys swapping spouses with another married couple.

Dick and Jane are swingers; last weekend, they swapped spouses with the neighbors for a sexual experience.

by UrbanWebster February 15, 2004

1931πŸ‘ 859πŸ‘Ž

snow penis

The sculpture of a giant penis made entirely from fresh snow. Typically done by college students for a good laugh.

Several guys from the dorm went out in the middle of a blustery January storm and built a huge snow penis.

by UrbanWebster February 15, 2004

825πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž

say hello to my little friend

A famous line yelled by Al Pacino in the movie Scarface.

Pacino: Say hello to my little friend! (Fires gun)

by UrbanWebster February 15, 2004

306πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž