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a not so attractive female

jonnie- i herd you were tapping up sarah the other nigh at that party
dave- nah man she was a boot even with my beer googles on

by V3gas4ce January 16, 2006

55👍 52👎


(Informal). Of a female to have a go at herself in public or private. to flick ones bean, as to speak.

That girl on the cover of Vertigo of bliss is having a rummage!

by V3gas4ce July 16, 2019

38👍 2👎

Bombing the Bismark

To drop dirty bombs on a imaginary ship in the toilet bowl.
To defecate.

"This Crohn's is murder, I've had to bomb the Bismark 3 times this morning."
Tim: "Where are you going Tom?"
Tom: "Bombing the Bismark, that bran has gone right through me!"

by V3gas4ce September 2, 2009