Source Code


An item which sticks thanks to some adhesive. Sure you can call it a sticker, but it is a little more fun calling it a stickamajigger.

Get that stickamajigger off my car!

Where's that stickamajigger? It's on my back? OK! Very funny!

Aw, man. Not that stickamajigger again!

by VGVGVG August 25, 2010

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Male version of fashionista.

A man who is into fashion.

He's such a fashionister ... we all look like slobs standing next to him.

"Is that Daniel?" ... "no! Daniel is a fashionister! he wouldn't be caught in those sweatpants!"

by VGVGVG March 24, 2010

25πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Short for ... Typing Tweets on Twitter.

Are you Twyping again?

I thought you were facebooking alot ... but you never stop Twyping! Do you?

by VGVGVG April 15, 2010

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Wrong Side Up

To turn something upside down on purpose. Sometimes things look better that way.

Her sketch didn't come out as planned, but when she turned it "wrong side up" it looked like a very cool abstract drawing.

by VGVGVG March 9, 2011

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Combination of funny and hot.

Could be use in several ways:
- Gigi had a ha-hot day at the beach with her silly friends.

- We were a mess and couldn't stop laughing! Makeup melted and we got to the point that we were just ha-hot and didn't care anymore!

- one can also describe a funny and good looking person as "ha-hot" ... Xavier is ha-hot!

by VGVGVG August 20, 2010

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Person who types tweets. Typist meets Twitter.

Your a fast Twypist! How may tweets can you type per minute?

I used to type pretty fast, but since Twitter ... I am a world-class Twypist!

by VGVGVG April 15, 2010

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Person who writes tweets on twitter. Could be any twitter user, but most definitely the people who ACTUALLY type tweets for famous / celebrities on Twitter.

I don't know. He's so famous. Wonder who his Twriter is.

Joe? I'm looking over your resume and I'm not sure you should use TWRITER as your current job description.

by VGVGVG April 15, 2010

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž