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Composed of the combined awesomeness of both ninjas and pirates, the Ninjapirate is the single most badass creature in existence.

A bunch of ninjas and pirates were fighting over who were the baddest dudes in the universe. The Ninjapirate arrived and settled the argument once and for all.

by Valarien June 14, 2007

21👍 20👎


The perfect time (PM) to have a huge party to celebrate the end of school and the start of summer while your parents are out of town for the weekend. Just make sure the beer delivery guy doesn't arrive early and blows the whole plan, know what I'm sayin'?

Made famous by Richard Linklater's 1993 movie "Dazed and Confused".

Slater: "What time is your party tonight, man?"

Pickford: "9:30, man"

Slater: "9:30... Mmm.. Okay.. I'll be there, man"

by Valarien March 19, 2010

48👍 44👎