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finger painting

1.v.fingering a girl on her rag and then smearing the red, bloody mess on her body, especially her upper thighs.
2.n.designs/pictures on the skin drawn with warm period blood.

1.Man! I totally finger painted Susie last night and then we washed it ff in the shower together.
2.Wow, you really get creative with those finger paintings, dont you Bob?

by Vanessa&David Inc. January 23, 2004

129👍 83👎


1.v.The act in which a person blocks and deletes another from thier msn contact list.

2.v.To start a conversation with someone and then completly ignore them and walk away half way through, creating hate and resentment.

1. Oh fuck! Ashley wants to invite me to her grandparents Nail Clipping Club meeting! Thank the fucking lord I jimmied her this morning.

2."Sure. I would love to hear your views on the Save the Mongoose Foundation Janine--Hey Nicole! Let's go to a movie."
"Umm...Janine still thinks you are listening to her talk about mongooses..."
"Oh fuck Janine...I Jimmied her..."

by Vanessa&David Inc. January 24, 2004

7👍 9👎