Source Code


Questions can be abbreviated to a single noun usually abstract followed by the word "much"

Vince buys a new car and rocks up to his friends place and says "Do you like my new wheels? "Jealous much?"

Vince: Dude, I just saw my ex girlfriend with another guy..
Dan: Ohhhh man! Awkward much?

Vince: Cigarette much?
Dan: Yeah man, im really keen for one.

Vince: What are you up to tonight? Work much?
Dan: Yeah man... Its pretty lame!

by Varcoe September 25, 2008

115👍 26👎

Where does he get off?

To ask what is somebody thinking or does he think he is better than everybody else?

Jen: Matt was talking shit about your girlfreind
Dan: Oh serious? Where does he get off?

by Varcoe September 26, 2008

17👍 4👎