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A restaurant to grab something while in transit. Cf. trattoria, pizzeria, bistro

We don't have time to sit down, let's just grab a sandwich from that small transiteria at the airport.

by Vatu September 18, 2019

Airport Magic

a unique constellation in the space/time continuum that temporarily gives one a James Bond-like ability to pass through airport security and check-in procedures in record time.

"Ben got from the parking lot to the gate in about 15 minutes. Airport Magic."

"Ben got from the parking lot to the gate in about 15 minutes. Airport Magic."

by Vatu July 26, 2015


A maniac billionaire who calls an all-staff meeting at 1 am on Sunday.

The guy is a real cashhole with no regard of his employees' time.

by Vatu May 2, 2021


A person (often a friend) engaged on an ad hoc basis to perform a specific, often menial task within a larger project and compensated in beer after completion of the task.

Well, we had an engineer, some carpenters and of course Jack and John as the beerslaves helped out quite a bit.

by Vatu June 24, 2019


10 thousand US dollars cash, in 100 dollar bills.

"The guy makes a brick a month."

by Vatu October 31, 2013

302πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


When bros decide not to be bros anymore.

Go easy on Jim, he is going through a difficult broke-up with Charles.

by Vatu August 2, 2018

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

speed of email

When you send an email to the person in the next office and then appear in front of them before it hits their inbox or at the latest before they have had a chance to open and skim it.

"I think it's not right not to respect the speed of email. It is confusing."
"Jack shot Peter a mail and just walked over at the speed of email. Be like Jack."

by Vatu August 22, 2019