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An individual who is limp and incapable of standing up for something or even taking responsibility for anything. Not capable of doing anything in life. Wishy-washy but much worse!

That jerk is such a noodle he came out of his dad's dick sideways and just swam in circles.

by Vegasguy73 February 27, 2017

30👍 8👎

motorboat pillows

To fall asleep so hard that you bury your face between two pillows. This often leads to some snoring and making the sound of a motorboat. This could also mean that you are so tired that the desire to sleep is just as large of a drive as your sex drive. You would rather do both motorboat and sleep, so you choose to motorboat some pillows.

Man I can't keep my eyes open! I am staring at the bed trying not to motorboat pillows.

by Vegasguy73 November 16, 2017

the crazy sexy matrix

A hot crazy woman who often sleeps in her next day clothes so as soon as she wakes up, she can get out the door. Usually she forgets something like her purse or to comb her hair. Usually wearing black, or stripes and a long coat that doubles as a blanket.

I just smashed the crazy sexy matrix chick from apartment 31.

by Vegasguy73 January 12, 2017