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Mostly a boy's name. Italian. He is a drummer, has two or three siblings, his brothers names could be Robert, Joey, or Stephen. He loves jackets, odd colors most of the time. He is the funny guy in his group of friends. He is either really tall or really short. He has the most random clothing and doesn't make a big deal out of it, but gets kicks when people notice. He usually uses a PC and not Mac. Many friends, but sadly most of which go to a different school. He is very good at a particular sport. He loves art and fashion. His friends that are girls are mostly named: Megan, April, Rebecca, and Larissa; His Friends that are guys are mostly named: Jon, Connor, Zack, and Eli. His Girlfriends are usually named: Holly, Emily, Zoey, Kristin, Alayna, or Savannah.

"Hey, Did you see Vincenzo with Zoey last night?"

Guy 1: "Should we invited Vincenzo?"
Guy 2: "Hell Yeah! It ain't a Party without him!"

by VincenzoMan July 26, 2009

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