Source Code

squirty poop

when you piss shit from yer bumhole, usually caused from being out at the taco bell

Pierat: Aye, I had a squirty poop matey.

Ratepi: Ah, 'tis the ways of the shitey seas.

by Vincepti0n February 18, 2017


gayyyy to the power of five

Gayyyyy = gayyyy^5

Eugene: I watched gayyyyy porn with my friends.

Joinky: You wouldn't have friends.

Eugene: I don't.

by Vincepti0n February 18, 2017

8👍 3👎


You probably typed this bullshit out of boredom, good job, I was very surprised that no-one else defined this "word" for me, this is a part of an alien language which designed our keyboards. Don't worry, I'm not an alien.

Eugene: qwertyuioppoiuytrewq

Krabs: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq b00m, I win ;)

by Vincepti0n January 4, 2017

127👍 15👎

Bad Joke

This definition is not funny nor is it true. Why the hell are you looking up bad joke on the Urban Dictionary?

This shit's a bad joke nigguh

by Vincepti0n May 1, 2016

28👍 8👎