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blanket sandwich

A bed, especially with someone sleeping in it and thereby being the filling for the sandwich. To "make a blanket sandwich" implies simply going to bed.

Dude, as much as I'd love to stay up and chat, it's already 3:00 a.m. and I've got to be up for work. I need to make a blanket sandwich.

by Vinderex May 21, 2018

Schrodinger's ninja

A person who is not wearing a mask, but still somehow manages to sneak into a place where masks are required, especially when there are guards at the entrance.

I was so confused! This man must have been a ninja to have been able to so easily sneak in without a mask. But if he actually was a ninja, then he would have been wearing a mask anyways! What manner of strange creature was this who was both a ninja and not? It was Schrodinger's ninja!

by Vinderex July 9, 2020


A wannabe hero whose only actual goal is simply hooking up with a damsel in distress, preferably with big boobs.

Hal from the movie Megamind was such a wannaboob. His only reason for wanting to be a superhero was just to get the girl.

by Vinderex September 26, 2014

Derg deal

The act of selling a dragon plushie or other dragon paraphernalia in a shady manner that closely resembles a drug deal, such as out of the back of your car in a parking lot at night.

No, officer, nothing bad going on here at all. I just like dragon plushies, that's all. This is just a derg deal.

by Vinderex February 19, 2022

Wet butt disease

What you get when you try to sit on a toilet with its seat raised, and so you end up falling into the bowl and getting your butt wet with dirty toilet water.

Damn it! You forgot to lower the toilet seat when you were finished! Now I've caught the wet butt disease!

by Vinderex September 7, 2021

2👍 1👎

Roader Coaster

A road, especially a highway, with an unusually high number of steep hills and/or winding turns, such that driving on it feels like riding a roller coaster.

Passenger: Dude, all these hills are starting to make me sick.
Driver: The heck you talking about? This roader coaster is awesome!

by Vinderex November 21, 2017

Drop a crap and take a nap

To use the restroom just for the sake of getting a break from work, especially if you stay there for an unusually long time.

Work's been so hectic today. I think I need to drop a crap and take a nap.

by Vinderex December 25, 2019