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adj: better than spock.

Wow, that guy is so Kirk it's unreal!

by ViniRotundo April 1, 2003

82👍 51👎


verb: to totally and utter desroy; in PC usage to "own".

Wow, you totally got Kirked in Maintenence Access!

by ViniRotundo April 1, 2003

48👍 33👎


adj: worse than Kirk in every way.

It's a shame that he's so Spock, he couldv'e amounted to something one day. Oh well, there's always Kirk.

by ViniRotundo April 1, 2003

7👍 76👎


Noun: Some one who totally does NOT know how to type.

<@{Co}Friek-out> who is gonna gfo grpahs fog r the game
<@LadyTigah> Friek.. Here's a thought. From now on, don't come on irc till you're sober enough to type. That, or stop faking, cuz it just makes you look bad.

by ViniRotundo April 2, 2003

4👍 11👎


noun: someone who's ass is on their face; someone who has asses on their face often; a fucktard.

WTF, this assface totally failed to drop the IP when he went Comm. Fucking fucktard.

by ViniRotundo April 1, 2003

23👍 26👎