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Pap Smear

/ˈpæp ˌsmɪər/
1. Paparazzi, freelance photographers that take candid pictures of famous people–particularly obnoxious ones–that insult and stalk celebrities, block traffic and sidewalks to take video, and try to get the most unflattering shots possible to "smear" the celebrity's image.

"The pap smears never leave Britney alone!"

2. A gynecological test for cancer of the cervix, consisting of the staining of cervical cells taken in a cervical or vaginal smear.

"I need to get my annual pap smear done."

paparazzi pap smear pap test photographer paparazza paparazzo camera man camera guy freelance photographer

by Vonheilm April 11, 2014

46👍 36👎