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Beter bekend as 'n Poes Zonk. Dit is wanneer 2 hande teen mekaar gedruk word en dan word die voorkant by 'n dame se vagina ingeslaan as 'n grap as sy nie kyk nie. Almal lag altyd lekker. Handskoene word aanbeveel as sy 'n mini aan het.

Kyk hoe buk Gretel by Cindy se tafel, ek gaan haar gou gaan ponk

by Vuilbek April 8, 2019

21👍 22👎


Better known as a "PoesZonk". A zonk is when you put your hands together and shove them into the anus of a person that is looking the other way as a joke. A Ponk is when you do it with a girl on the vagina from behind when she is not looking. Everyone always laughs and laughs. Gloves are recommended when she is wearing a skirt.

Look how Cindy is leaning forward at Gretel's desk, I am quickly going to "ponk" her before she turns around.

by Vuilbek April 8, 2019

19👍 26👎