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I want only you.

I am limited to her.

by W. March 30, 2004

8👍 18👎

paddy wagon

Paddy wagon may be used all over australia but the term "divvy van" is also used such as at cricket matchs

"your goin home in the back of a divvy van"

by W. February 9, 2004

27👍 86👎


To want or like badly.
"the act of wanting badtime"
to emphasise what has already been said.

man that honey is fine ! i want her badtime~!

man this shit sucks, badtime.

we have to much homework
yea, badtime

by W. February 9, 2004

7👍 1👎

Wen Fizzle

The coolest, sexiest dude in da world.

Look at that dude Wen Fizzle

by W. October 8, 2003

8👍 10👎