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Hard terrible things. They could be easy, or they could be the thing you wanna burn alive.

you: why do I hear boss music- wait- did she just say tests?!

by WHYAMIHERE- DO YOU KNOW? April 5, 2021


You did the remove the first and last letter in your name, or you just like saying you as U

Remove the first and last letter in your name!
Ok! wait- its just U-

u wanna play baseball outside?
Do you mean You?
shut up I'm tired.

by WHYAMIHERE- DO YOU KNOW? April 2, 2021

YoU ShOUlDnT bE My fRiEnD. Im UgLy

Yes, you are. not because of your looks, because im hearing this.

Friend: YoU ShOUlDnT bE My fRiEnD. Im UgLy wHY aRE yOU, mY fRieND?
Me: you know, why am I?

by WHYAMIHERE- DO YOU KNOW? April 2, 2021

2👍 2👎