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(1) slang: to disrespect someone (to diss); to make fun of someone; used by a third party after a first party makes fun of a second party. Brought back to life by the ever-popular That 70's Show.

(2) slang: to smoke marijuana or any other drug used with fire, to get high. see burn out

(3) verb: to char or scorch something using fire

(1) Child: "Mom, did people really use the word 'BURN!' in the 70's?"
Mother: "No."
Child: Oh, BURN!

(2) Stoner 1: Man, are we gonna get burnt out today?
Stoner 2: I don't know, it isn't 420

(3) Tony watched the logs burn in the fire.

by THE ALL KNOWING AMY May 5, 2004

1878๐Ÿ‘ 500๐Ÿ‘Ž


slang: to disrespect someone (to diss); to make fun of someone; used by a third party after a first party makes fun of a second party. Brought back to life by the ever-popular That 70's Show.

like when Kelso says to Hyde for getting busted by Jacky

Keslo: BURN!

by mdkushner February 15, 2006

138๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


An exclamatory response, generally used by a third party after someone has just received an insult.

"She said you had a small penis? Oh, BURN!"

by Agrajag November 10, 2002

813๐Ÿ‘ 332๐Ÿ‘Ž


A usually sarcastic and insulting comment, devised to burn someone's emotions. Brilliant burns are something anyone around, other than the wimpy victim, should appreciate. If you give one of these ingenius burns, someone around surely will utter, "Oh BURN!!". One must never say these words if they are administering the burn. This sucks most of the burning potential out of it, and, since no one else says "Oh BURN!!", it makes the victim think that only the burner agrees with the comment, giving little to no burned emotion, which makes a burn with the burner saying "burn" not a true burn. Also, when burning, it is best not to actually start the burn, that is, a burn is more painful if the victim says something normal and the burner makes a burning comment, or addition to what the victim said, thus burning the victim. So never say the beginning to what makes a burn; you'll just sound stupid. So good luck, be quick, don't say "burn" if you're burning someone, and don't say the starting words to a burn. Now go out and burn somebody!

Stupid Guy: "Huh! Hey-hey! Yer momma's fat an' UGLY! OH YEAH!! BURN!!!!!"

Victim: "Wow. Your house is really small."
Intelligent Person: "Yeah, there's just enough room in there for me and yo' momma!"
Guy: "OH BURN!!"

by Mbleh November 4, 2007

75๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


smoke weed

lets burn

by jgrizz September 1, 2003

528๐Ÿ‘ 255๐Ÿ‘Ž


to get playing time in a sport, minutes in a game or amount of playing time.

Yo coach give me some burn!

by Pierre & Nick April 11, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) To diss someone extremely well. Usually they won't be able to some up with a comeback.
2) A dis.
3) An exclamation used when burning, or majorly dissing someone.
(this term was first used in the 70's, as you may know if you grew up then or have watched That 70's Show, however it is still used to this day by majorly cool kids)

1) girl 1: man, this soda is pretty flat
guy: ur pretty flat!
girl 2: wow, you burned her bad!

2) random person 1: man, u so fat they don't even make clothes your size!
random person 2: I ain't fat, I'm buff!
random person 3: hey, man, u gotta admit, that was a pretty good burn.

3) (the dude burns (disses) the other dude)
dude who did the burning: Oh! BURNNNN!!!!
dude who got burned: oh no u didn't!
(burn in the past tense is burned, NOT burnt!)

by dudeperson June 13, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž