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like duh

when your parents do not understand anything about social media.

DADDDD! like duh you should click post!!!!!!!

by WHatevES1234567890j July 14, 2021


bonking your head on the keyboard cause homeworks hard boiiiiiiii

This so hard (bonks head and types gtftft

by WHatevES1234567890j July 14, 2021

1👍 1👎


bonking your head on the keyboard cause homeworks hard boiiiiiiii

This so hard (bonks head and types gtftft

by WHatevES1234567890j July 14, 2021

1👍 1👎


This is an interpretaition of LGBTQ or LGBTGIA.
L: Lesbian
G: Gay

B: Bi or Bisexual
T: Transgender
N: Nonbinary (you do not comply with a gender)
A: Ace or Asexual
I: Intersex

P: Pan or Pansexual (you can be with anyone of any gender or sexuality)

Me: is suzi LGBTNAIP+?
Friend: yessssssssssss

by WHatevES1234567890j July 12, 2021