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Everybody. All that is need be said. It is literally impossible to be "original". No matter what you think of, somebody somewhere has already done it. The people who started each "original" idea are generally labeled as conformists. The crazy kids that sit off in the corner wearing dark clothes with the anarchy shirts are conforming to the "anarchist" mindset, and no matter what they say about conformity, they all go along with it.

anarchist: no way, im not a conformist, im original with my nihilistic views of the world

by WR-#19 February 23, 2005

145👍 100👎


An extremely great band who created excellent songs such as "The General", "Bats in the Belfry", "Two Coins", and "Out Loud", just to name a few. They had great success without being signed to a major label, and unfortunately, broke up when they received an offer from Universal Records in July 2004. They held a free concert in Boston, hoping for only 50 000 fans, however over 110 000 people showed up for this concert. It is trully a shame that this extremely talented group of people shall never more create the music that they once did.

Heres to Dispatch, one of the greatest bands to have graced this Earth!

by WR-#19 December 31, 2005

242👍 60👎


Lacrosse is Canada's national sport, and was created by the Iriquois natives in what is now Canada. It is one of the most physically exhausting sports there is, possibly next to football(soccer) and rugby. It is played either as box lacrosse (in an arena) or field lacrosse.

Invented by natives, not americans or Canadians.

by WR-#19 March 26, 2005

2029👍 1630👎

the wheel is turing but the hampsters dead

a figure of speech meaning somebody is a fool and somewhat absent-minded

example guy:i bet you could scuba dive to the moon
person 1: wow that was a dumb remark
person 2: yeah, the wheel is turning but the hampsters dead

by WR-#19 May 6, 2005

19👍 12👎